Functional, external protection for the fuel tank caps, which allows theuse of a numbered seal.

Characteristics: |
Due to significant increases in fuel prices and frequent fuel thefts we propose an functional and aditional protection for fuel tank caps. This device not only makes it harder for any unauthorized access (for example: during a parking stop), however it also allows to apply a numbered security seal which guarantees full access control to the fuel tanks between tankings and thus prevents any thefts by unauthorized persons and the truck users themselves. We suggest the use of numbered security seals: Twistseal or PSW97 directly on the mechanism.
Offered solution doesnt require any mechanical intervention during its installation. The security element is installed non-invasively on standard fuel tank cap of diameter 60 mm (Scania) or 80 mm. The instalation is very simple: the metal brace is screwed on the fuel cap. After screwing 4 screwes their heads should be cut off which will prevent unscrewing this mechanism. The lock before any unauthorized opening is protected by special key (included in set). In addition the entire device should be protected with a numbered security seal during every refueling by an authorized tank station employee who will register the car registration number, drivers name, the date and the number of the security seal.
The use of aditionally sealed locking mechanism will eliminate fuel theft in your company and thus allowing for significant savings. |