Security seal Tape designed for sealing various kinds of valuable packages. Suitable to seal paper packages, cardboard boxes, and pallet wrap stretch films.
Tamper evident tape width is 50 mm and it has perforation every 150 mm which gives you 333 labels per roll. Easy to apply, maximum security.
VOID OPEN inscriptions appear on the seal and the surface if opened and re-seal is attempted. At least 95% of adhesive is transfered on the surface.
Plastic seal with metal insert, 2 different lengths: M, L, diameter 2,3 mm. Subsequent numbering imprinted with state of the art technology. Universal application for transport, storerooms, carts.
Plastic seal with metal insert of operational length 300 mm and diameter 2,2 mm, with numbering. Application for transport, storerooms, bags.
Plastic seal with metal insert of operational length 145 mm and diameter 1,8 mm, with numbering and white panel for writing. Application for transport, storerooms, measuring devices, receptacles.
Plastic seal with metal insert of operational length 255 mm and diameter 2,0 mm, with numbering and white panel for writing. Application for transport, storerooms, measuring devices, receptacles.
Plastic seal without any permanent sealing wire, with numbering. Application for measuring devices, slot-machines, caskets, stocks, tankers.
Lead seals, for an easy and cheap sealing. They are used with a sealing wire and sealing tool. Application: universal.
Made from tinned iron seal to be used together with sealing wire or a string. Used for measuring devices, slot-machines, caskets, stocks, tankers.
Metal snapped seal of fixed operational length 190 mm, available in width 8 mm, with numbering. Application for transport, containers, warehouses.
A self-locking plastic and metal seal from USA, used with sealing wire, with numbering, universal, the highest level of security. Application for measuring devices, slot-machines, caskets, stocks, tankers.
A plastic seal which replaces detrimental and non-ecological seals made of lead. Notox is used with a sealing wire and sealing tool. Application: universal.